Rolling projects
You can set your schedules to refresh automatically at predefined intervals.
You use the Rolling Project check box to designate a scheduling project as a rolling project. You set the interval at which you want the project to refresh in the Rolling Frequency field. For example, you want to refresh the work records in the schedule every day at 7:00 AM. You can also refresh the schedule manually by selecting Roll Project from the Actions menu.
The values in the Rolling Frequency and Duration in Days fields generate the project start and end dates. The start and end dates determine which dates are shown in the graphical view, and an additional 14 days before and after the schedule dates are included as a buffer. You can configure the buffer to be more or less than 14 days.
Rolling is best used for a moving time frame, in which most work is expected to occur within the start and end range of the schedule. For example, a 4-week rolling schedule gets refreshed on Monday to show forward planning. Scheduling and rescheduling are done in the 4-week planning range. Resource counts and the visible date range are restricted to the schedule's width (plus or minus 14 days), although all work can be seen if needed. Scrolling backward in the graphical view is limited.