When you create a communication template, you can use person
groups as a recipient. You can add one or more person groups. You
can also add more than one category of recipient such as email addresses,
persons, or roles.
About this task
The email communication is sent to the first available person
according to the calendar and shift. If no one is available, the email
communication is sent to the default person in the person group.
- In the Communication Templates application, open or create
a communication template.
- On the Recipient tab, click Show
Table to expand the Person table
- Click Select Groups to add multiple
recipients. In the Select Person Groups window,
choose the groups that you want to add and click OK.
For each person in the person group, you can select any of the following
- To - the person receives the email
communication directly.
- cc - the person is copied on the email
- bcc - the person is blind copied on
the email communication.
- Optional: If you do not want the communication
sent to every person in the group, clear the Broadcast check
- Save your changes.