Associating device metrics to asset and location meters

Metrics data from IoT sensor devices, such as data that is gathered by Maximo® Monitor, can be integrated with asset and location meters in Maximo Manage. You can associate device metrics with asset and location meters directly in the Assets, Locations, and Object Structures applications. You can associate data in bulk for large numbers of devices by importing files that pair the IoT devices with the assets and locations by using a metrics ID.

Before you begin

Before you can associate metrics from IoT devices with asset and location meters in Maximo Manage, you must complete the following tasks:
  • Ensure that the IoT devices for your monitoring system are registered in the Asset Data Dictionary.
  • In Maximo Manage, ensure that the MXASSET and MXOPERLOC object structures are enabled for flat files by selecting the Support Flat File Structure check box for the object structures.
  • Resolve any alias conflicts for field names in the object structures.
  • Ensure that the appropriate authorizations are assigned for the object structures.

Associating metrics to meters in the Maximo Manage user interface

In the Assets and Locations applications, you can select an asset or location and then associate metrics data from IoT devices by using the Metric ID field on the Meters tab.

About this task

This task describes how to associate metrics that are collected by IoT devices with meter data in the Assets application in Maximo Manage. In the Locations application, you can perform the same steps to associate metrics data with locations.


  1. In the Assets application, locate the asset for which you want to import device metrics.
  2. On the Meters tab for the asset, select the meter for which you want to import metrics.
  3. In the Metric ID field, click the search icon.
  4. In the Select Value window, select the metric that you want to associate with the meter.
  5. Save the record.

Associating metrics to meters in bulk

You can associate large numbers of metrics with asset and location meters in bulk by importing flat files that pair the IoT devices with the assets and locations by using a metrics ID.

About this task

This task describes how to associate in bulk the metrics that are collected by IoT devices with meter data in the Assets application in Maximo Manage. In the Locations and Object Structures applications, you can perform similar steps to associate metrics data with location meters.

To complete this task, you specify which assets you want to associate metrics with and download a compressed file that contains the following two CSV files that you can use to associate metrics from IoT devices with the corresponding asset meters in Maximo Manage:
asset_metric_<file ID>.csv
The spreadsheet lists data for IoT devices that are associated with the asset or assets that you selected, including metric ID, metric name, device name, and device type. If a metric already is associated with an asset, the meter is listed in the METERNAME cell.
asset_meter_<file ID>.csv
The spreadsheet lists the meters that are associated with the Maximo Manage asset or assets that you selected. If an asset meter is already associated with a metric ID, the metric ID is displayed in the METRICID cell.
You must select one of the files and update it to associate a metric ID with an asset meter. For each meter that you want to associate with a metric ID, you can add the metric ID to the METRICID column to the asset_meter_<file ID>.csv file. Or you can choose to add the meter that corresponds to the metric ID that is listed for the asset in the asset_metric_<file ID>.csv file.


  1. In the Assets application, choose one of the following options to specify which assets to associate with imported metric data:
    • On the List tab, select the check box for the assets for which you want to import metrics data.
    • Select a single asset for which you want to import metrics data.
  2. From the Select Action menu, choose IoT Metric List.
  3. In the IoT Metric List window, enter the following information to retrieve data for the metrics:
    Table 1. IoT Metric List field descriptions
    Field Description Default
    Where clause A valid SQL WHERE clause for the MXASSET and MXOPERLOC object structures. If no WHERE clause is entered, all data is processed.
    Note: In the Assets and Locations applications, this field is prepopulated with values that are based on the assets or locations that you selected on the List tab or the individual record that you selected.
    Delimiter The character to use to separate one cell in the spreadsheet from another. The default value is specified in the system property.
    Text Qualifier If a delimiter is used in one of the cells, text qualifiers are used to enclose each value. The default value is specified in the system property.
    Unmapped Only If this check box is selected, the spreadsheet includes only assets or locations that are not associated with a metric ID. If the check box is cleared, asset or location meters are included whether they have a metric ID or not. If any asset or location is an associated with a metric, the metric is displayed in the spreadsheet.  
    Add Header Specifies whether to add a header row that contains the external system name, enterprise service name, action, and language code. Select this check box if you use the Data Import action for an enterprise service in the External Systems application. A header is not needed when you load by using object structures.  
  4. Click OK. After you click OK, a compressed file is downloaded to the default download folder on the computer.
  5. Extract the compressed file.
  6. Determine which file to update for import into Maximo Manage and select one of the following options to prepare data in the spreadsheet for import.
    • Update the asset_metric_<file ID>.csv file.

      For each metric ID that you want to associate with a meter, add the meter name to the METERNAME column in the asset_metric_<file ID>.csv file and save the file. Rows with no meter name are ignored when data is imported into Maximo Manage.

    • Update the asset_meter_<file ID>.csv file.

      For each meter that you want to associate with a metric ID, add the metric ID to the METRICID column in the asset_meter_<file ID>.csv file and save the file.

  7. After you update the spreadsheet, select one of the following options to import the spreadsheet:
    • Import data by using the MXASSETInterface and MXOPERLOCInterface enterprise services in the MASDD external system. If you select this option, use a header in the CSV file.
    • In the Assets or Locations application, select the Application Import action. Then, select the MXASSET or MXOPERLOC object structure and synchronize the objects. If you select this option, no header is needed in the CSV file.
    • Make a REST API call by using the MXASSET and MXOPERLOC object structures. If you select this option, no header is needed in the CSV file.
    • In the Object Structures application, select the MXASSET or MXOPERLOC object structure and then use the Data Import action. If you select this option, no header is needed in the CSV file.