Adding JMS queues to an external system

You can use Java™ Message Service (JMS) or other queues to exchange enterprise service and publish channel data with an external application. When messages are received or sent, they are written to the queue. These messages remain in the queues until they are successfully processed or deleted.

Before you begin

Before you can add a queue to an external system, you must create the queue on the application server. If you add a sequential queue, you must set up a cron task to periodically poll the queue for messages.

Before you can add a queue to an external system, the system provider must create the queue on the application server and provide you with the name of the queue. If you add a sequential queue to the external system, you must set up a cron task to periodically poll the queue for messages.

About this task

Each external system can have its own inbound and outbound queues, or you can configure multiple systems to share queues. You can either add your own user-defined message queues, or modify the existing queues when the predefined inbound and outbound message queues do not meet your needs. If you want to use additional queues, the multitenancy manager must create those queues and provide you with the queue names that you can then configure in the External Systems application.


  1. In the External Systems application, select the system for which you want to add a JMS queue.
  2. Select the Add/Modify Queues action and add a row.
  3. Enter values in the following fields:
    Option Description
    Queue JNDI Name The name of the JMS queue.
    Queue Connection Factory The connection factory that is used for accessing the queue. For a JMS queue, the default value is jms/mro/int/queues/sqin.
    Maximum Try Count The number of times a message is reprocessed after an initial error and before it is written to the error log and an e-mail notification is sent to the system administrator.
  4. Optional: Enter values in the following fields:
    Option Description
    Initial Context Factory The class used to connect to the JMS queue server.
    Provider URL The URL of the JMS queue server.
    User ID The user ID that is used to access the new queue.
    Password The password that is use to access the queue.
    E-mail Address The e-mail address of a user who receives notices when transaction errors occur in the queue. This value is typically the e-mail address of a system administrator.
  5. Optional: If the queue delivers inbound messages and functions as a continuous queue, clear the Sequential check box.
  6. Optional: If the queue delivers outbound messages, clear the Inbound check box.
  7. Click OK.
  8. On the System tab, enter values in the following fields as required:
    • Outbound Sequential Queue for the sequential queue for outbound messages.
    • Inbound Sequential Queue for the sequential queue for inbound messages.
    • Inbound Continuous Queue for the continuous queue for inbound messages.
  9. Save your changes.