Viewing collaboration switches

Use any database tool to execute a SQL query to see the values in the MXCOLLAB table, or generate a report to view its content.


  1. To view the collaboration switches for a single process control ID, use the following SQL query:
    select   pcid, owner1sysid, owner2sysid, pcvalue
    from     mxcollab
    where    pcid = 'PCID'
    order by pcid, owner1sysid, owner2sysid;
  2. To view all collaboration switches, use the following SQL query:
    select   pcid, owner1sysid, owner2sysid, pcvalue
    from     mxcollab
    order by pcid, owner1sysid, owner2sysid;
  3. To view a short description of the process control IDs, use the following SQL query:
    select * from mxcollabref order by pcid;