As a system administrator, you deploy and activate Maximo® Manage in
Maximo Application Suite by selecting the
application version, connecting to the configured database and applying the Java™ database connectivity (JDBC) configurations. You then select the industry solutions or add-ons to include in the deployment and activation
process. You can specify the configuration settings, such as language preferences,
customization archive, external file storage, and server bundle options.
Before you begin
Confirm that the database is configured and that the customization archive and persistent storage
are set up. For more
information, read the planning for deployment
You can also use the planning worksheet to
record the information that you need during the deployment process.
Before you select industry solutions or add-ons, review the compatibility
matrix to validate that these selected components are compatible to be deployed together.
About this task
Enabling Maximo Manage in Maximo Application Suite
is a two-step process. First, you deploy Maximo Manage by selecting the application version. Then, you configure
Maximo Manage for use in Maximo Application Suite when you activate the application.
During the activation process, you connect to your database and select
the industry solutions or add-ons that you are including. You can also specify the
configuration settings, such as language preferences, customization archive, external file storage,
and server bundle options.
From the Suite catalog, on the Applications tab, select the
Manage tile, review the information on the setup page and
click Continue.
- In the Administer application upgrades window, in the
Upgrade strategy field, select one of the following upgrade strategies:
Option |
Description |
Channel subscription |
- To automatically update the application when an updated version is added to a channel, select
Channel subscription.
- In the Channel field, select a channel.
- Optionally, in the Custom source field, specify a source.
- In the Channel details section, select whether to approve the update automatically or to require
manual approval.
- Click Subscribe to channel.
Manual |
- To manually update the application when you are notified that an updated version is available,
select Manual.
- In the Version field, select a
- Click Deploy version.
You can monitor the progress of the deployment on the Manage details page.
After the deployment is complete, the Activate button is shown.
- To configure Maximo Manage for
use, click Activate to open the activate application page for Manage.
- On the Database tile, in the Dependencies
section, select Configure and specify the JDBC connection URL, the username,
and password to connect to the database that is configured for Maximo Manage.
If you use SSL, ensure that the
Port field contains your SSL port, as
shown in the following examples:
- Oracle
- TCPS is the required protocol for Oracle SSL connections. For Oracle SSL
database connections in Maximo Manage, you
must specify SID=<TNS Service ID>. You can use the
following URL as an example:
- Microsoft SQL
- For SQL
Server SSL database
connections in Maximo Manage, you must specify encrypt=true. Ensure that you use a
semicolon to end the JDBC connection string. You can use the following URL as an example:
- IBM®
- For Db2 SSL database
connections in Maximo Manage, you must specify sslConnection=true. Ensure that you
use a semicolon to end the JDBC connection string. You can use the following URL as an example:
- Optional: If you are using SSL, configure the SSL certificate for your
- Retrieve a PEM certificate for your database.
The .CER certificate file
must be a Base-64 encoded X.509 file. You do not need to retrieve a private key. For more
information, see the documentation for your database.
- Select SSL enabled.
- In the Alias field, enter an alias.
The alias is a
user-defined, unique name for the certificate.
- Copy the certificate details and paste the text into the
Certificates field, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE
- Click Confirm.
- Optional: To configure more JDBC options, in the Optional driver
options field, enter JDBC driver options.
Typically, you can specify JDBC options as part of the URL for the database. However, in some
cases you might want to specify JDBC options in the Optional driver options
field. For example, your URL might exceed the maximum length that is allowed, or you might want to
configure a JDBC option that cannot be included in the connection URL. You cannot specify the same
JDBC option in both the URL and the Optional driver options field. If you do,
JDBC driver errors might cause the connection to fail.
If you specify an additional JDBC option for your database, the
CustomProxyDriver acts as a proxy driver that routes the database requests to
the actual driver for your type of database.
- In the Components section, select the industry
solutions or add-ons and the version that you are also activating with Maximo Manage.
By selecting Latest from the New version list, the
industry solutions or add-ons automatically are updated when a new version is available.
- If you are deploying Maximo Health as part of Maximo Manage and will later deploy
Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities, on the Scheduler
Optimization tile, in the Dependencies section, select
Deploy. For more information, see Deploying Maximo Scheduler Optimization. You do not
need to configure the optimization.mofapi or
optimization.mofui system properties after you deploy and activate Maximo Scheduler Optimization.
- To view or specify the configuration settings, such as database, server bundle, or
language settings, click Show advanced settings.
By default, these settings are defined by the system. If your environment requires different
values, you can click System managed to enable the fields and add your custom
- To define how Maximo Manage uses
the database connection, specify the database schema, table space, and index space that were created
as part of configuring the database.
Ensure that you specify the table space or filegroup names that your administrator assigned to
tables and indexes.
If you use Db2 and if you
install or plan to install a language other than English for your base language or as additional
languages, select Db2 Vargraphic.
- Select your base language and extra supported languages for your
Maximo Manage
supports additional languages that you can configure after the deployment is
- For the initial deployment and activation of Maximo Manage, use the default server
bundle that is defined by the system.
If your environment requires additional bundles
later, you can update to add bundles and reactivate to apply your
- To include specific customizations that you implemented in previous deployments, add
the URL of the customization file.
- Specify the server mode to indicate whether the servers are available after the
initial deployment.
In some cases, you might prefer to keep servers offline immediately
after you activate them. For example, you might prefer to complete some user management tasks before
you make the application available.
- To connect to persistent volume claim (PVC) for external file storage, specify the PVC
and volume name, the size of the claim, and the file path to mount the PVC.
- If you are deploying IBM
Maximo Aviation or IBM
Maximo Asset Configuration Manager, add the build data
interpreter (BDI) files that validate operational changes to configuration-managed assets, such as
aircraft or equipment.
- To use an earlier build image rather than the latest for deployment, specify the build
Build images are tagged with a timestamp, for example buildtag:
- To connect to any external systems that Maximo Manage is
integrated with, import the certificate for the system.
- Specify the time zone that your server is configured to use. For example, specify GMT
or US/Central.
- If you are deploying Maximo Health as part of Maximo Manage and will later deploy
Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities, enable asset investment
optimization. When asset investment optimization is enabled, the Asset investment
optimizer page is available in Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities. Ensure that you deployed and
configured Maximo Scheduler Optimization
before you enable asset investment optimization.
- Click Activate to apply the configuration updates and start the
After the activation process is completed, Maximo Manage is available for use. To
access Maximo Manage, select
the Manage tile on the
Applications tab in the catalog.
What to do next
If you deployed Maximo Health as part of Maximo Manage, after the applications
are activated, you must configure some system properties. For more information, see Configuring the system properties.
If you have user management administration access, you can give users access
to the application. Application administrators for Maximo Manage can
then configure initial data to set up the required data structure for managing assets.
When new versions are available, system administrators can update the
deployed application by clicking Update available on the
Manage tile in Maximo Application Suite.
System administrators can also reconfigure and update initial implementations
when required. To reconfigure and update changes, select the Manage tile on the
Applications tab, click Actions and select
Configure workspace.