Configuring persistent volume claims

Administrators can specify parameters for persistent storage volumes when they configure Maximo® Manage for deployment.

Before you begin

Ensure that you prepared a persistent storage volume and can provide the volume name, class name, mount path, and size for your persistent volume claim.

About this task

You can configure a persistent volume claim through the deployment process or by manually updating the ManageWorkspace custom resource.

If you declare a persistent volume and do not specify a persistent volume claim when you deploy Maximo Manage, a persistent volume claim is dynamically provisioned by using the storage class that you configured for the volume.

Configuring persistent storage for a deployment

When you configure the persistent volume claim, the storage in the volume that you provisioned is available to all server bundles in the workspace. You can also configure persistent volume claims (PVC) for specific server bundles in a deployment. If you configure a PVC for a server bundle, the mount path that you specify for the server bundle PVC overrides the path that you specify for the deployment.


  1. Log in to Maximo Application Suite as a system administrator.
  2. From the catalog, on the Applications tab, select the Manage tile.
  3. On the application details page, click Actions and select Update configuration.
  4. In the Persistent volume claims (PVCs) row in the Update Manage configuration window, click the Edit icon.
  5. In the Persistent volume claims (PVCs) section of the configuration window, click Add PVC.
    You might have to click System managed to view configuration options.
  6. Add the following details for your persistent volume claim:
    Option Description
    PVC name User-defined name of the persistent volume claim for storage.
    Volume name Name of the volume that was provisioned for persistent storage.
    Size Amount of storage that is required for this persistent claim.
    Mount path Mount path for the volume within the Maximo Manage pod.
    Storage class name Storage class that describes and classifies the storage.
  7. After you complete all configurations, select one of the following options:
    • If you are configuring a new deployment, click Activate.
    • If you are updating a deployment, click Apply changes.

Configuring persistent storage for server bundles

To configure a persistent volume claim for a specific server bundle, you can add parameters to the ManageWorkspace custom resource by using the OpenShift® administrative console. The mount path that you specify for the server bundle PVC overrides any default path that you configured for a persistent volume during deployment.


  1. In the OpenShift console, in the Administration section, select Custom Resource Definitions.
  2. In the CustomResourcesDefinitions window, select the ManageWorkspace custom resource definition record.
  3. In the CustomResourceDefinition details window, on the Instances tab, select the instance for which you want to create persistent storage.
  4. On the YAML tab for the instance, in the spec.settings.deployment.persistentVolumes section, specify values for the volume name and storage class name. You can also specify a PVC name and size for the PVC, or you can provide those parameters for specific server bundles in step 5. The following example shows how to add persistent volume parameters for the deployment:
              pvcName: my_pvc_name
              volumeName: my_volume
              size: 1G
              storageClassName: my_storage_class_name
  5. In the spec.settings.deployment.serverBundles section, specify the PVC name and mount path for a server bundle, as shown in the following example:
            - name: server_bundle_name
              bundleType: bundle_type
                - pvcName: my_server_bundle_pvc_name
                  mountPath: /mount path for the server bundle storage
  6. Save the custom resource.