JMS queue settings for enterprise web services
Enterprise web services can use the Java™ Message Service (JMS) queue to process XML messages, or you can specify that the service bypasses the JMS queue.
In a multitenancy environment, the system provider configures JMS queues and provides the names of the different JMS queues that you specify when you are configuring queue settings.
JMS queue-based processing provides asynchronous message processing. For enterprise services that support synchronous processes, you must specify non-queue-based message processing. The integration framework processes XML messages from external applications based on the queue settings that are defined for the enterprise web service:
- Queue-based message processing
- A queue-based enterprise web service processes XML messages and writes these messages into the configured, inbound JMS queue. When the message is moved into the JMS queue, the external application is released from the invocation. The integration framework processes the messages and saves them in the Maximo® database.
- Non-queue-based message processing
- A non-queue-based enterprise web service processes messages from the integration framework to the object processing layer and saves information, when applicable, to the Maximo database. After the enterprise web service completes message processing, the integration framework sends a response to the external application. You must specify non-queue-based processing if the enterprise web service supports query or create operations that require a response to the external application.