Web service sources

The source of a web service can be an object structure service, a standard service, or an enterprise service.

Object structure services

You can create an object structure web service from a predefined or a user-defined object structure service. Object structure web services support create, update, delete, sync, and query operations. Create and query operations also support responses. The response to the create operation can be based on the primary or alternate key of the primary object that is defined in the object structure. The response to the query operation is provided in the XML schema format of the object structure.

Standard services

You can create a standard web service from methods that are annotated in application services. To use methods as web services, annotated methods, such as the ChangeStatus method, must exist within an application. A single standard web service is created for each application service and all annotated methods within the service are the web service operations. The input and output parameters of the methods are associated with the input and output parameters for the standard web service.

Enterprise services

You can create an enterprise web service from a predefined or a user-defined enterprise service. Enterprise web services support additional exit processing, business rules, and transformations. A service exists for each operation that is contained in an enterprise service record (one service per operation). With the exit processing layer, you can map an external schema XML to the object structure XML for both the invocation and the response. Enterprise web services provide response content for the create and query operations that are processed in the queue. The enterprise service definition has a ProcessResponse flag that indicates whether the service supports a response.