Schema generation

You can generate the schema and view the XML for any web service in the Web Services Library application. You can also regenerate the schema to ensure that the schema is updated to reflect any changes that you make to the service.

A web service data structure is based on its associated object structure (for object structure services and enterprise services) or method signature (for standard web services). The web service data structure is provided in a standard XML representation, as a schema. This schema is used to create the WSDL file for the service.

If you change the data structure that is associated with a web service, regenerate the schema to update its schema and the WSDL file. The following changes to the data dictionary change the object structure:
  • Adding new fields to a table
  • Changing the type of a field
  • Dropping fields from a table
  • Changing a field from optional to required
The XML does not contain fields that are marked for exclusion in the object structure.

Before you deploy a web service, you must generate the schema to provide updated schema information to the WSDL file. When you generate a schema, input elements are displayed in the XML Data window and output elements are displayed in the Response XML window.

To access a generated schema, you can use a URL.
Enterprise service and object structure schemas
Use a URL that is similar to the following example in which MXSR is the object structure name that is associated with the service:
For compatibility with version 7.5, URLs that are similar to the following example are still supported:
Standard service schemas
Use a URL that is similar to the following example in which ITEM is the name of the service.
For compatibility with version 7.5, URLs that are similar to the following example are still supported:

If you set the global property to true in the System Properties application, all include files are resolved. The entire schema content resides in a single file. In a multitenancy environment, this property is configured by the global administrator.