You can create an enterprise service record to receive
inbound data from an external system. On the enterprise service, you
can identify the data transformation and processing rules that the
integration framework uses to receive inbound data from an external
Before you begin
Before you create and configure an enterprise service, use
the Object Structures application to configure the object structure
that you associate with the enterprise service.
About this task
When the Use External Schema check
box is selected, the Split Tag, External
Schema File, and External Schema Element fields
are editable. The external schema values identify the schema location
and external root element name.
- In the Enterprise Services application, click New
Enterprise Service.
- In the Enterprise Service field,
specify an enterprise service identifier.
- Enter a values in the following fields:
- Optional: Enter values in the following fields:
Option |
Description |
Operation |
Determines how the Enterprise Service processes data. For
example, you can synchronize objects or create new objects.
can also update, delete, or query existing objects.
Multiplication Control |
Determines the cross-reference control that the enterprise
service uses to multiply an inbound message for multiple organizations
or sites.
Interface Table |
Reflects the content of the enterprise service object structures.
Split Tag |
Identifies whether the received message contains multiple
instances of a document.
For example, a single message can
contain ten purchase orders. The split process handles each of these
instances individually. The application writes multiple files to the
inbound queue.
The syntax that you use to identify these node
values should have a fully qualified XPATH expression.
- Optional: To use an external schema, select
the Use External Schema check box.
- Optional: You can customize inbound enterprise
service processing logic by completing the following steps:
- In the Processing Class field,
enter a class value if the enterprise service requires predefined
inbound processing logic.
In the User Exit Class field, enter a class value the enterprise service uses to customize the predefined inbound processing logic.
- In the XSL Map field, enter a
value to customize the predefined inbound enterprise service mapping.
- Click Save Enterprise Service.
What to do next
You can use the External Systems application to associate
the enterprise service with an external system.