Creating features

A feature is a physical object, such as a guard rail or a mile marker, that you associate with one or more linear assets. Features are not tracked with unique identifiers. When you associate a feature with a specific asset, you can then apply a label to it that can be used as a reference point.

About this task

You create features in the Features application and you associate features with linear assets in the Assets application.


  1. From the Feature tab of the Assets application, click New Feature.
  2. In the Feature field, type a name for the feature.
  3. In the Feature Description field, type a description.
  4. In the Details section, specify a type in the Type field.
    1. Specify LINEAR if the feature has length and you want to associate the length with measurements on the linear asset. For example, you associate a guard rail with beginning measurement points and ending measurement points on a roadway, such as miles 7.6 to 7.8.
    2. Specify POINT if you want to associate the feature with a single measurement point on a linear asset. For example, you associate a speed limit sign with a single measurement point on a roadway. Even if a feature has length, if you only associate the feature with a single point on a linear asset, then specify the type POINT. For example, the feature power line has length, but it crosses a road at a single point.
  5. If the type is linear, check the Continuous box to specify whether the feature is continuous with the linear asset. Select the check box if the feature runs the entire length of the linear asset. The feature can be a single instance that runs the entire length, or it can be multiple instances that run through the entire length. Clear the check box if the feature runs for only part of the length of the linear asset. Run the Gap and Overlap Report to identify gaps in continuous features.
  6. Select the Shared check box if you want the feature to be shared among multiple linear assets for which you have created a relationship. For example, two related linear assets share a segment. You associate the feature with one of the assets and it displays on the record for the other asset. Clear the check box if you want to associate the feature manually each time, even if multiple linear assets share a segment.
  7. Select the Is Reference Point check box if you want to use the feature as a start or end point for a linear segment. For example, you specify a mile post to be a reference point because you want to use it to locate other features. If you clear the check box, you cannot use the feature as a reference point. Use the Relationships application to create relationships between linear assets.
  8. Select the Specifications tab and specify information in the following fields as needed:
    1. In the Classification field, type a value, or click Detail Menu to select an option and to retrieve a value. The attributes for that classification are inserted in the Specifications window.
    2. If a class description for the classification exists, the Class Description field is automatically filled in. Use the Classifications application to create classifications and to define attributes for them.
  9. To add attributes for the feature, click New Row in the Specifications tab.
    1. In the Attribute field, specify a value.
    2. Optional: Type values in other fields, as needed. Some fields are read-only, depending on the values in the other fields.
  10. Click Save Feature .