You can secure integration web services by using HTTP basic
authentication in standard J2EE security. These security settings
provide access to web services to authorized users with a valid user
name and password.
- Similar to the procedure for securing the HTTP servlet,
in the web.xml file, uncomment the <security-constraint> section
for the web service invocation, as in the following example
<web-resource-name>Integration Web Services</web-resource-name>
Integration Web Services accessible by authorized users
Roles that have access to Integration Web Services
<description>data transmission gaurantee</description>
- Verify that the <security-role> section in the web.xml
file is not commented out, as in the following example code:
<description>An Integration User</description>
- Change the value from 0 to I in the useAppServerSecurity <env-entry-name>
section, as in the following example:
Indicates whether to use Application Server security or not
- For web service invocation, ensure that the client program
uses the following user name and password calls in the JAX-RPC Call
call.setProperty(Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY, username);
call.setProperty(Call.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password);
What to do next
You can securely deploy a web service by using a Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) for HTTPS posts. Configure the SSL on the application
server with the appropriate digital certificates.