Conditional security

You can apply these conditions to security groups, to enforce security measures, for example, you can limit access to certain elements of the user interface to users with the right level of access.

In the condition library, you can define conditions, either as expressions or as custom class files. You can control access to applications and to controls in applications by applying conditions to security groups. The conditions are applied to signature options (SIGOPTION) that are then granted to the security group. Conditional access is granted in the security groups application. If a user is in multiple security groups, the highest level of access is granted when the security groups are joined.

The following are some examples of the types of conditional access that you can set:

  • Give read-only access to the information that is shown in a field.
  • Give read/write access to the information that is shown in a field.
  • Give a user group read-only access to a specific field in an application.
  • Give all members of a user group read/write access to an application.
  • Hide a field or tab in an application from certain users.
  • Grant access to application options in the Select Action menu or side navigation menu for a security group.
  • Configure any property in a control for a group, such as making a control hidden, masked, read-only, or required.
  • Configure other properties, such as color, label, and application link, to be different for on the user group that is accessing the UI.
  • Show or hide a data attribute globally or for a security group.