Object structure and enterprise service input and output
The object structure contains the content for object structure service and enterprise service schemas. An object structure service supports all defined operations but an enterprise service supports just one specific operation. Multiple enterprise services must be created to support multiple operations even when they reference the same object structure and use the same schema.
Object structure and enterprise service schemas identify the following:
- The input and output types for object structures and enterprise services
- The input and output of an invocation channel
- The output provided by a publish channel
- The output for the Create, Update, Delete and Sync operations are the primary object keys, the internal ID field and autokey values.
- The output for a Query operation is a result set of object structures.
The following examples, based on the MXPERSON object structure, describe the content of object structure and enterprise services:
CreateMXPERSON element
The CreateMXPerson element has the following definitions:
- The CreateMXPERSON element is type CreateMXPERSONType.
- The CreateMXPERSONType has element MXPERSONSet, which is type MXPERSONSetType. MXPERSONSet is derived from the object structure schema.
- The MXPERSONSetType has elements for all the configured attributes of the PERSON object and elements for the child objects (PHONE, EMAIL, and SMS) that are defined in the object structure.
The definitions of the following elements and types are comparable to the CreateMXPERSON element and type:
Element | Type |
InvokeMXPERSONResponse | InvokeMXPERSONResponseType |
Create MXPERSONResponse element
The CreateMXPERSONResponse element has the following definitions:
- The CreateMXPERSONResponse element is type CreateMXPERSONResponseType.
- The CreateMXPERSONResponseType has element PERSONMboKeySet, which is type PERSONMboKeySetType.
- The PERSONMboKeySetType has element PERSON, which is type PERSONKeyType.
- The PERSONKeyType contains only the PERSONID attribute of the PERSON object, which is the primary key of the PERSON object.
PublishMXPERSON element
The PublishMXPERSON element has the following definitions:
- The PublishMXPERSON element is type PublishMXPERSONType.
- The PublishMXPERSONType has element MXPERSONSet, which is type MXPERSONSetType. MXPERSONSet is derived from the object structure schema.
- MXPERSONSetType has elements for all the configured attributes of the PERSON object and for the child objects ((PHONE, EMAIL, and SMS) defined in the object structure.
The Publish element is like the Create element but uses an additional attribute, event, that is defined in the PublishingContentGroup in the metadata schema.
DeleteMXPERSON element
The DeleteMXPERSON element has the following definitions:
- The DeleteMXPERSON element is type DeleteMXPERSONType.
- The DeleteMXPERSONType has element MXPERSONDelete, which is type MXPERSONDeleteType.
- The MXPERSONDeleteType has elements for all the configured attributes of the PERSON object. Delete supports only the top (primary) object of the object structure.
QueryMXPERSON element
The QueryMXPERSON element has the following definitions:
- The QueryMXPERSON element is type QueryMXPERSONType.
- The QueryMXPERSONType has element MXPERSONQuery, which is type MXPERSONQueryType.
- The MXPERSONQueryType has elements for all the configured attributes of the PERSON object. Query supports only querying against the top (primary) object of the object structure.
The Query element uses the additional attributes uniqueResults, maxItems, and rsStart, which are defined in the QueryContentGroup in the metadata schema.
QueryMXPERSONResponse element
The QueryMXPERSONResponse element has the following definitions:
- The QueryMXPERSONResponse element is type QueryMXPERSONResponseType.
- The QueryMXPERSONResponseType has element MXPERSONSet, which is type MXPERSONSetType.
- The MXPERSONSetType has elements for all the configured attributes of the PERSON object and elements for child objects defined in the object structure (PHONE, EMAIL, and SMS).
- Although the QueryMXPERSON element restricts queries to the top object of the object structure (PERSON), the response can contain child objects (PHONE, EMAIL, and SMS).
The Query Response element uses the additional attributes rsStart, rsCount, and Total, which are defined in the ResponseContentGroup in the metadata schema.