Comparing scenarios

You can compare multiple scenarios of a schedule or work list to determine which version best fits your needs.

About this task

You can compare any two scenarios of the same schedule or work list in the Compare Scenarios tab. You can compare the work dates and the labor load for each scenario. Two graphical charts show when work is scheduled, or you can switch views to compare resource loads. Differences between the two scenarios are highlighted, including work records that are scheduled for different dates, or that appear in only one scenario. You can also compare the current schedule with a baseline, or snapshot, of the original schedule. When you compare a scenario to your baseline, you can see break-in and break-out work. Break-in work is work that was not in the original schedule, but was later added. Break-out work is work that was included in the original schedule, but was later removed.


  1. In the graphical view, view a scenario (or snapshot) that you want to compare.
  2. Select Compare Scenarios from the Action menu, or click the Compare Scenarios tab. The Select Scenarios window opens, listing all scenarios and snapshots for the schedule. The current scenario is automatically selected. Choose another scenario from the list to compare it to.
  3. Click Compare. The scenario window displays the Gantt view of both scenarios, with work dates. Break-ins, break-outs, and differences in work dates are highlighted. You cannot move or modify any dates in the graphical view when you compare scenarios.
  4. Click the Next Change button to move the focus to the next difference in schedules, or click the Display Differences Only button to filter the view to show only differences.
  5. Click the Compare Cost tab. Click Calculate Cost to update the costs for both scenarios. Select a tab to display the weekly, monthly, or yearly costs for each scenario.
  6. Click the Compare Costs Chart tab. From the charts menu, choose the comparison chart that you want to view. For example, click Saved Estimated Total (Weekly) to view the comparison chart for total costs for the week that the work is scheduled for.
  7. Open the graphical view. Click the scenario name to return to the graphical view of the original record.