Managing data in sub-record fields
As part of an integration, you can work with the values
in a single source data field to set the value, combine the value,
split the value, or replace the value.
Setting sub-record field values
You can assign a value to a specified data field to overwrite the existing value in the data field. You can indicate whether a value is always assigned or only assigned when the target data field is null.
Combining sub-record field values
You can combine the values in two or more source data fields or integration controls into a single target data field. You can combine values when mismatches occur between an asset management system value and the external system value. For example, a two-part external system key can map to a single part key in the asset management system.
Splitting sub-record field values
You can split the value in a single source data field into multiple target fields. You can split values when mismatches occur between an asset management system value and the external system value. For example, a single part asset management system key can map to a two-part key in the external system.
Replacing sub-record field values
You can replace a value in a data field with another value. You can replace a value when the external system and the asset management system have different identifiers for the same entity. For example, a plant identifier of an external system can be translated to an asset management system site identifier.