Creating service requests

You create service requests to report issues and monitor their resolution.


  1. In the Submit a Service Request tool, choose from the list of service request categories, or click Describe the Issue.
  2. Describe the issue that the service request is being created for.
  3. Click Next.
  4. If you are entering the service request on behalf of another person, edit the information on the Affected Person screen.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Optional: Attach a photo or video of the problem.
  7. Specify the location of the issue. You can search for a location, or you can find the location in the following ways:
    • Scan a QR code for the location.
    • Click the compass icon to use GPS to get a list of locations near you.
  8. Click Set Location.
  9. Specify the asset. You can search for an asset, or you can locate the asset in the following ways:
    • Scan a QR code for the asset.
    • Click the compass icon to use GPS to get a list of assets near you.
  10. Click Set Asset.
  11. Review your request. Select the High priority check box if applicable.
  12. Click Submit Request.