Creating service requests
You create service requests to report issues and monitor their resolution.
- In the Submit a Service Request tool, choose from the list of service request categories, or click Describe the Issue.
- Describe the issue that the service request is being created for.
- Click Next.
- If you are entering the service request on behalf of another person, edit the information on the Affected Person screen.
- Click Next.
- Optional: Attach a photo or video of the problem.
Specify the location of the issue. You can search for a location, or you can find the location
in the following ways:
- Scan a QR code for the location.
- Click the compass icon to use GPS to get a list of locations near you.
- Click Set Location.
Specify the asset. You can search for an asset, or you can locate the asset in the following
- Scan a QR code for the asset.
- Click the compass icon to use GPS to get a list of assets near you.
- Click Set Asset.
- Review your request. Select the High priority check box if applicable.
- Click Submit Request.