Configuring service request properties

Using the Service Request Configuration page, you can define certain values for service requests that are created in work centers.


  1. In the Service Request Configuration page of the Administration Work Center, click the Properties tab.
  2. Enter a value in the Reported priority field.
    This value is the priority for service requests that are created with the High priority check box cleared.
  3. Enter a value in the High priority field.
    This value is the priority for service requests that are created with the High priority check box selected. If the SET_PRIORITY signature option is turned off in the Security Groups application, users do not see the High priority check box when they enter service requests in the Submit a Service Request tool.
  4. In the Source field, enter the value that you want to use for service requests that are entered by using Work Centers.
    All service requests that are created in work centers can be identified by using a specific source type. You can use this information to report on the volume of requests that were created in the work center versus service requests that were created from the Service Requests application. The default value for service requests created in the work centers is SRWC.
  5. Enter a value in the "Describe the Issue" class structure ID field. You can select a value from the menu or start typing in the field to see a list of values. The value that you define must be a valid service request classification.

    When users create a service request and select a category, a class structure ID value is assigned to the service request. If users do not select a category and use the Describe the Issue option, the value defined in the "Describe the Issue" class structure ID field is used.

  6. If you want users to have access to only site-specific information (like categories, people, locations, and assets) when they enter service requests, turn on the Filter on person site toggle.

What to do next

Refresh the Submit a Service Request tool to show the changes.