Removal of personal information

Personal information that is associated with an individual and is stored in person records provides personally identifiable information (PII) about that individual. When this information is no longer required, you can remove that information by specifying the information to be removed and then deleting the information in the People application.

Object attributes can be used to store personal information about individuals in person records. By default, you can manage attributes that are related to the following objects to delete personally identifiable information:
  • Person
    • Phone
    • Email
    • SMS
  • Labor
To manage an object attribute that is not listed by default, use the Domains application to add the object to the MAXPDOBJ domain.

You use the Manage People Data action to specify the removal of personal information, and you use the Delete Person Data action to delete that information.

Typically, when you configure the removal of personal information, you specify a relationship that is based on the PERSONID attribute. Specifying the relationship to the PERSONID attribute ensures that the deleted information is limited to the selected person. If you specify a relationship that is not based on the PERSONID attribute, you risk deleting personal information for multiple people. Exercise caution, back up your database, and thoroughly test advanced relationships before you delete personal information.
Note: Deleted personal information cannot be recovered.