Exporting data to a test file
To validate that outbound processing is correctly configured and enabled, run a test export.
About this task
- External system: EXTSYS1
- Publish channel: MXPERSONInterface, which uses the MXPERSON object structure
- Endpoint: MXXMLFILE
- In the Systems tab, ensure that the Enabled check box is selected for the EXTSYS1 external system.
- In the Publish Channels tab, filter for the MXPERSONInterface publish channel.
- In the Details section for the MXPERSONInterface publish channel, specify MXXMLFILE in the End Point field.
- Click Data Export.
- In the Data Export window, specify 1 in the Count field to limit the export to just one record.
The XML file is exported to the location that you specified in the FILEDIR property.
If a location is not specified in the FILEDIR property, the XML file is exported to the location that you specified in the mxe.int.globaldir property.