Exporting data to a test file

To validate that outbound processing is correctly configured and enabled, run a test export.

About this task

To test outbound processing, this task uses the data export feature to export a person record to a file. The task uses the following predefined integration components:
  • External system: EXTSYS1
  • Publish channel: MXPERSONInterface, which uses the MXPERSON object structure
  • Endpoint: MXXMLFILE


  1. In the Systems tab, ensure that the Enabled check box is selected for the EXTSYS1 external system.
  2. In the Publish Channels tab, filter for the MXPERSONInterface publish channel.
  3. In the Details section for the MXPERSONInterface publish channel, specify MXXMLFILE in the End Point field.
  4. Click Data Export.
  5. In the Data Export window, specify 1 in the Count field to limit the export to just one record.


The XML file is exported to the location that you specified in the FILEDIR property.

If a location is not specified in the FILEDIR property, the XML file is exported to the location that you specified in the mxe.int.globaldir property.