To track the qualifications associated with labor, you
create qualifications and certification requirements for qualifications.
- In the Qualifications application, click New
- Optional: If the Qualification field
is blank, enter a qualification identifier.
- Optional: Enter a description of the qualification.
- Specify the type of qualification.
- Optional: Provide this information for the
- If a certificate is required for the qualification,
select the Certificate Required check box.
- Specify values such as duration period and required
use period.
- Optional: In the Required Craft and Skill Levels
table window, click New Row to specify prerequisite
crafts for the qualification.
- Optional: In the Tools That Require This Qualification
table window, click New Row to specify tools
that require operators to have this qualification.
- Save the qualification record.
What to do next
Some qualifications must be renewed periodically. You use
the Extend/Renew Qualification function to
renew an existing qualification for a qualification record.