Table column control
The table column control is a container that you can use to add columns and column headings to a table. You can place a table column control within a table control.
At runtime, a table column dynamically generates either a text box control or a check box control to show its data. A check box is used if the data type for the field is YORN. If the data type for the field is not YORN, a text box is used.
You can add a text box to a table column if you want to bind a field with a YORN data type to a text box, instead of to a check box. Unless you want to override the use of a check box for a field with a YORN data type, do not add a control to a table column control.
You can use the standard filter feature to display only records that meet specified criteria.
General properties
Attribute name | Description |
Control ID | Each control in a presentation is assigned a unique Control ID that is read-only. |
Default Label | This read-only value is the text value that is associated with the database attribute that is bound to this control. |
Label | If you enter a text value in this field,
it overrides the Default Label for the control.
This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the |
Attribute | You can associate this control with a database attribute. Not all attributes have a Default Label value. |
Type | A table column can trigger an event or provide a link. If you select Link, the value, such as a record number, is underlined. When the user clicks this link, the record opens. If you select Event, enter appropriate values for the Event Type, Event Description, and Event Icon properties. For example, if you specify the TOGGLEDETAILSTATE event, the user can click a View/Show icon to open or close the details section for a selected record. |
Sortable | If you select this option, the user can sort records in a table by clicking the label of a column. The first click sorts the records in ascending order. The second click a label sorts the records in descending order. |
Turn Smart Fill Off | Select this option to disable smart fill, which is turned on by default. Smart fill enables a user to enter a partial value in a text box, which the system attempts to match to a valid value, or values, in the database. When a matching value is found, the value is entered in the text box. If the system finds more than one matching value, the user can select one from a list of matching values. If you turn smart fill off, user text is not validated during entry. |
Show Filter | If you select the Filterable and Show Filter properties, a filter text box for this column is displayed in the filter row of the table. |
Filterable | If you set the Filterable property for a table, the setting also applies to each column in the table. You can override the Filterable setting for a table at the table column level. When you select this option, the user can search on the attribute that is associated with the label of the table column. |
Event | If you select Event as the Type property, specify the event in this field. There is no directory of events but you can search for events and event descriptions in the
system XML files. To export the files, in a main tab in the Application Designer, choose library.xml,
lookups.xml, and menus.xml files
to the <root>\resources\presentation\system
directory. You can search these files for |
Target ID | Enter a target control ID, if different from the current control, where an event (if defined) is sent for processing. |
Event Description | This property provides a tooltip for an event (if defined). |
Event Icon | This property can point to a .gif file of an image that represents an event. The icons in the user interface are stored in the
Change Event | You can configure a control to perform one
of the following actions in the event of a data change to the control:
CSS Class Name | If you want to change the layout and appearance of the control, enter the CSS class name to use. You can search for CSS class names in the applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient directory. |
Lookup | You can specify a lookup ID to link this control to a preformatted lookup table that pulls records from the main table. A user can select a record from the lookup table to use in this control. Lookup IDs are stored in the lookups.xml file. To view the content of this file, export the system XML files. |
Go To Applications | You can associate a pull-down menu with this control and add application names to it that users can click to go to different applications. |
Input Mode | Input mode options are:
Advanced properties
Attribute name | Description |
Label Attributes | You can enter a comma-separated list of data attributes used to create the Default Label for this control. Label Attributes and Label Source ID enable you to display dynamic values in the Default Label for a table column. |
Label Source ID | Enter an object name that is the data source for the Label Attributes property. |
Title Attributes | Reserved for future use. |
URL Attribute | Enter a URL value if you set the Type property for this control to Link. The URL value becomes a hyperlink. |
Is LD Readonly | By default, the system sets a long description that is associated with a table column attribute to editable. Select this field to make the long description read-only. |
Always Synchronous | If cleared, the control can communicate with the database without pausing user activities. If cleared, the user cannot perform activities in other fields until validations for this field are completed. Synchronous activity is disabled by default. If there are dependencies between values that are specified for this control and other controls in the application, you can enable synchronous activity for the dependent controls. |
Linked Controls ID | You can enter a control ID that is automatically updated whenever there is a change to the attribute value in this column. The control ID must exist somewhere within the application. |
More information | You can specify the values to construct a URL for an IBM® Knowledge Center topic using the following format: If you specify a URL, a More Information link is added to the field help (Alt + F1) for the control. When the user clicks the link, the target topic opens in the Knowledge Center. The property is specific to the field ID in the presentation XML file. If you want to provide the same link in other controls or other applications, you must manually add the URL to each individual control. |
Signature Option |
You can specify a signature option that can restrict access to this control or change the properties of this control based on a condition that you specify. To create a signature option, click Add/Modify Signature Options in the Select Action menu. To specify a condition, click the Configure Conditional Properties button. |
Sig Option Data Source ID |
A MBO must be used to evaluate whether a user has access to a signature option. Specify the value of the data source that performs this evaluation if it is different from the data source that is configured for this control. |