Static text control

You can use a static text control to add text to a section control or to specify a database attribute that you can configure and position within a section as if it were unbound text. Static text is, typically, used in Date search windows in applications, where To and From labels are static text controls.

You can also configure the text to function as a hyperlink that takes the user to a URL when clicked. When configured as a URL, the static text displays in a larger font and is styled to look more like a URL string than plain text. You can place static text within a section control.

General properties

Attribute name Description
Control ID

Each control in a presentation is assigned a unique Control ID that is read-only.

Default Label

This read-only value is the text value that is associated with the database attribute bound to this control.


If you enter a text value in this field, it overrides the Default Label for the control. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.


You can associate this control with a database attribute. Not all attributes have a Default Label value.

Text Alignment

Select Left, Center, or Right to align static text in a section control. Typically, you associate static text with a control in a section. You can place the text above or below the control.


You can specify a number in this field if you want the static text to span more than one column.

Advanced properties

Attribute name Description

You can specify a number in this field to position static text in a specific column. Each section control has seven columns that are transparent to the user. If you enter the value 3 in this field and select the Center value for Text Alignment, the static text is centered above or below column three. If the text is wider than its column, the width of the column extends automatically to contain it.

Display as Link

By default, static text does not display as a URL link. Select this option if you want to configure the control to display as a URL link

Display as Plain Text

Selecting this check box removes the CSS (cascading style sheet) class definition so that text is displayed as plain text in the user interface.

Signature Option

You can specify a signature option that can restrict access to this control or change the properties of this control based on a condition that you specify. To create a signature option, click Add/Modify Signature Options in the Select Action menu. To specify a condition, click the Configure Conditional Properties button.

Sig Option Data Source ID

An MBO must be used to evaluate whether or not a user has access to a signature option. Specify the value of the data source that performs this evaluation if it is different to the data source that is configured for this control.