Presentation control

The presentation control manages the appearance of the user interface display, and all other controls are contained by this control. The presentation control contains only one page control. The page control specifies the main page of an application and uses the entire client area of the browser. All other application windows are dialogs that open as popup windows. You can add the definition for a dialog window to the PRESENTATION.XML file, or you can include the definition of an existing dialog from the LIBRARY.XML file.


The presentation control is the outermost control for all presentations and can contain all other controls.

General properties

Attribute name Description
Control ID

Each control in a presentation is assigned a unique Control ID that is read-only.

Business Object

Specify the name of a MBO in this field to determine which MBO the control uses to show and process information. If a MBO is not specified, the control uses the data source of its parent control. When you set a MBO for this control a data source is created that can be referenced from other controls.

App Bean Class You can specify the name of a data bean class to use when creating the data source for the control. If not defined and the control is creating a data source, the default psdi.webclient.system.DataBean class is used. Typically, you use this property to create custom event methods or to override the manner in which the data source obtains its MboSet.
Order By

You can specify the order in which a SQL query fetches data for the data source for this control.

Where Clause

You can specify a WHERE clause that the data source for this control uses to retrieve data. This WHERE clause is used in addition to any default WHERE clause used by the business object of the data source.

Application Restrictions You can set restrictions for the application at the level of the presentation.xml.
Results Table ID You can specify the ID of the results table.
Application help You can specify the URL that takes the user to context-specific help for this application in a Knowledge Center.

Advanced properties

Attribute name Description
Viewport If this application is optimized to be viewed in a viewport other than the standard viewport, specify that viewport in this field.
Is Mobile A Boolean value that indicates whether the application is designed for access on a mobile device.
Always Synchronous

If deselected, the control can communicate with the database without pausing user activities. If cleared, the user cannot perform activities in other fields until validations for this field are completed. Synchronous activity is disabled by default. If there are dependencies between values specified for this control and other controls in the application, you can enable synchronous activity for the dependent controls.

Debug You can set a debug level for the application.