Image control

You can add an image control to create a visual marker to identify an application you can open or an action you can perform. You can configure the height, width, and alignment for the specified image file. You can place an image control with a section control.


The image files provided as application icons are in the <root>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\images directory. You can access the files in this directory using the image control.

Attribute name Description

Control ID

Each control in a presentation is assigned a unique Control ID that is read-only.


You can specify the filename of any file stored in the images directory at <root>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\images. You can reuse any existing images or you can add new images to the directory.

Images can be in any format supported by a browser. When you add a .gif file, you can use it immediately. If you add other file formats, such as .jpg or .bmp files, you must redeploy the .EAR file on the application server to add the images to the user interface.


Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the height of the image. If you change the default dimensions, the image can become distorted.


Enter a numeric value in this field that will increase or decrease the width of the image. If you change the default dimensions, the image can become distorted.

Align Image

Specify where to align the image, to the Left, Center, or Right of the section that contains it.


You can use columns to manipulate the position of an image. A section has four invisible columns. You can specify a number (1-4) to position an image in the corresponding column. You can change the position of the image by moving the graphic into one of the columns.

Signature Option

You can specify a signature option that can restrict access to this control or change the properties of this control based on a condition that you specify. To create a signature option, click Add/Modify Signature Options in the Select Action menu. To specify a condition, click the Configure Conditional Properties button.

Sig Option Data Source ID

An MBO must be used to evaluate whether or not a user has access to a signature option. Specify the value of the data source that performs this evaluation if it is different to the data source that is configured for this control.