Hyperlink control
You can configure text or a graphic as a hyperlink that opens a menu or window, or a destination inside or outside the application. Place this control inside a section control.
General properties
Attribute name | Description |
Control ID |
Each control in a presentation is assigned a unique Control ID that is read-only. |
Label |
If you specify a text value, it forms a link that the user clicks to initiate the hyperlink. |
Event Type |
You can associate a hyperlink with an event and, when the user clicks the hyperlink, the event is triggered. To configure a hyperlink event, you must specify the event type, the event value, and, optionally, the ID of a control that processes the event. For example, to configure an event that opens the Go To menu, specify showmenu in the Event Type field, specify goto in the Event Value field, and specify pageTitlebar in the Control Target ID field. Events
are processed in the following order:
To view all of the events defined in the system, export
the system .XML files and search these files for |
Control Target ID |
If you associate an event with the hyperlink, you can specify the ID of a target control to process the event that is different from the current control. The target ID for the Go To hyperlink, for example, is pageTitlebar. |
Event Value |
If you associate an event with the hyperlink, specify the value of the event. The event value for the Go To hyperlink, for example, is goto. |
Text Alignment |
Aligns the hyperlink label to the left, right, or center within a section. |
Image Filename |
You can associate an image with the hyperlink. Specify the name of an image file that is stored in the <root>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\web module\webclient\images directory. It is not necessary to enter the path to the images directory. |
Image Alignment |
If the hyperlink includes an image, aligns the image to the left or right of the hyperlink label. |
CSS Classname |
If you want to change the layout and appearance of the hyperlink, enter the name of the CSS class
to use. For example, the |
Access key |
Specify a letter that is used in the hyperlink label that acts as a keyboard shortcut. For example, the access key for the Go To hyperlink is G and when the user presses ALT + G the Go To menu drops down. The access key is underlined in the user interface. |
Separator |
Reserved for future use. |
Advanced properties
Attribute name | Description |
Column |
You can specify a number that positions a hyperlink in a specific column. Each section control has 7 columns that are not visible to the user. If you specify the value 3 in this field and set text alignment to center, the hyperlink is centered above or below column three. If the hyperlink is wider than its column, the width of the column extends automatically to contain the hyperlink. |
If you want the hyperlink to link to a URL, specify the value here. |
Signature Option |
You can specify a signature option that can restrict access to this control or change the properties of this control based on a condition that you specify. To create a signature option, click Add/Modify Signature Options in the Select Action menu. To specify a condition, click the Configure Conditional Properties button. |
Sig Option Data Source ID |
An MBO must be used to evaluate whether or not a user has access to a signature option. Specify the value of the data source that performs this evaluation if it is different to the data source that is configured for this control. |