Default value control

You can use a default value control to speed up a database insert or query by restricting the action to a limited set of records. The default value control is transparent and does not render anything visible in the user interface. You can place the default value control in a section control, a table control, or in the presentation control.


Attribute name Description

Control ID

Each control in a presentation is assigned a unique Control ID that is read-only.


Select an attribute from a data source to update or query. You can set an update or query value using one of the following methods:
  • Specify a static value in the Value field.
  • Specify values in the From Data Source ID and the From Attribute fields to read a value from the database.


The alphanumeric value in this field provides a static default value for an insert or query action for the specified Attribute value. In the Person application, for example, you can specify DEPARTMENT in the Attribute field and MAINTENANCE in the Value field, to restrict queries to people working in the maintenance department.

From Data Source ID

If you do not configure a static default value in the Value field, specify the data source ID to use as the data source for the From Attribute field.

From Attribute

If you do not configure a static default value in the Value field, specify a From Attribute that updates or queries the database with its value.

Default Type

Specify the appropriate type of action for this default query.