Button group control

A button group is a container control that holds push button controls. The button group defines the layout for the buttons it contains, including alignment within the container and the title for the group. Place this control within a section control or a table control.


Attribute name Description

Control ID

Each control in a presentation is assigned a unique Control ID that is read-only.


You can specify a text value in this field to provide a label for the button group. Most button groups do not have a label, because the control functions primarily as a container that holds a layout for its children push button controls. This label is specific to the application and is not stored in the MAXATTRIBUTE or APPFIELDDEFAULTS tables.

Text Alignment

If you specified a label for the control, you can set the label to align to the Left, Center, or Right. The text label always displays to the left of any push buttons you add to the group.

Button Alignment

Reserved for future use.

Show Container

If you select this property, a shaded background of horizontal lines is visible for the button group. You cannot show background shading for a button group control in a table container.