Defining filters

You can use filters to restrict the data that is imported during import, update, merge, and validate sessions. Filters are defined separately from projects at a system, organization, or site level, but can be applied to specific session types. A single filter can be used in any session, so you can create a library of reusable filters. By using filters, you can reduce memory usage of the import because filters are applied immediately when a row is read from an input file.

About this task

Filters process references that are inherent in a single row of data. References are tested before the row is tested and if the referenced row is excluded, the row that is being tested is also excluded.

The following references are tested:
  • Attribute references that use both sheet and row
  • Document references that use both sheet and row
  • Component references to a space
  • Component references to a type
  • Job reference to a type

Additional processing supports filtering by floor. Spaces that reference an excluded floor are excluded, and then references to the space are also excluded. Since the filter is applied immediately upon reading a row, references that are not resolved and referenced objects are not included in the filter. For example, if a space is excluded, the components that reference the space are excluded, but the attributes and documents that reference the components are not excluded. However, the attribute and documents are not imported because attributes and documents are imported as part of the object that they reference. A validate session reports unresolved references for these attributes and documents.


  1. In the BIM Projects application, select the Import Filters action.
  2. Add a row for the filter and specify a name.
  3. Optional: Specify either an organization or a site to create the filter at that level. If you do not specify an organization or site, the filter is created at the system level.
  4. Specify the filter type.
  5. In the filter table, add the details about the filter.
    1. Specify the COBie table that you want to filter.
    2. In the Expression field, specify the value that you are filtering.
    3. In the Expression Type field, specify how the filter is applied.
  6. Save your changes.