Planning to process data for integration
Before you initiate an integration transaction, you must decide which integration components to use. You must also plan how to implement these components so that you can achieve a successful integration with the external destination for your integration.
The choice of the components that you use and how you implement them is often determined by the
external application that you are integrating with. These choices include the following
- Data type
- Define the data, for example work orders and person data. When defined, determine whether there are predefined object structures to support each set of data or must you create more object structures.
- Direction
- For each set of data, which direction will the integration scenario implement, sending outbound transactions, receiving inbound transactions, or both? The direction of the integration can vary for each set of data.
- Message exchange
- This factor depends on the capabilities of the external application and options can include integrating data by using files (XML, JSON, or flat, such as CSV), calling web services, and posting XML or JSON over HTTP. The method of exchanging data and how often that occurs can vary for each set of data.
- Customization
- As data is exchanged, is customization within the application needed to transform message content or to apply integration business rules? If customization is required, does it use integration framework capabilities such as Java™ exit classes, automation scripts, XSL maps, or processing rules, or is customization implemented in the external application? In a multitenancy environment, customization options can be restricted. Coordinate with your system provider to determine the best customization techniques to use.
Depending upon the answers to these questions, you need different
types of component and API configurations, which can include:
- Object structures
- Message templates, if the outbound integration messages are in the JSON or XML format
- API keys
- Publish channels and invocation channels
- Enterprise services
- Object structure services, enterprise services, and standard services
- Web services
- External systems
- Endpoints