Initiation of synchronous processing of inbound data

To initiate synchronous processing, the external system uses one of the supported methods to establish a connection. During the connection process, the integration framework checks that the external system and the referenced enterprise service are valid and enabled.

The procedure for establishing the initial connection varies, depending on the service that is used for the transaction. The following table describes the available methods and the connections that these methods use.

Method Connection procedure

HTTP or HTTPS Post method

  • Use the following URL for transactions that use an enterprise service:


    • extsysname is the name of the external system
    • entservname is the name of the enterprise service
  • Use the following URL for transactions that use an object structure service:


    Where osname is the name of the object structure service.

  • Use the following URL for transactions that use a standard service:

    hostname:port/meaweb/ss/application service name

    Where application service name is the name of the standard service.


  • For enterprise service transactions, start an EJB from a Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition client by using the following code:

    public byte{} processExternalDataSync(byte[] extData, String serviceName, String sender)

    The client can use the JNDI name of the Enterprise JavaBean, ejb/maximo/remote/enterpriseservice, to look up the Enterprise JavaBean reference and to start the method. The following configurations are required on the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition client:

  • For object structure service transactions, start an EJB from a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition client by using the following code:

    public byte{} processMOS(byte[] reqmosData, String mosName)

    The client can use the JNDI name of the Enterprise JavaBean, ejb/maximo/remote/mosservice, to look up the Enterprise JavaBeans reference and to start the method. The following configurations are required on the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition client:

  • For object structure service transactions, start an EJB from a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition client by using the following code:

    public byte{} action(byte[] actionData, String maxServiceName)

    The client can use the JNDI name of the Enterprise JavaBean, ejb/maximo/remote/actionservice, to look up the Enterprise JavaBean reference and to start the method. The following configurations are required on the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition client:

The following configurations are required on the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition client:

  • Access to the Home and Remote class files
  • Access to the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition JAR files for the server
  • The URL of the server that hosts the Enterprise JavaBeans
  • The class name of the context factory

The client code must instantiate the default IntialContext object. The context derives the provider URL and the context factory from the environment.

Web service

Use the following URL for transactions that start a web service:

http://hostname:port/meaweb/services/web service name

where web service name is the name of a deployed web service.