Identification of integration components
The initiation action class identifies the components required for the integration, including the logical management operation, the operational management product, and the integration module.
The logical management operation runs a process, such as software deployment, on a configuration item by using an operational management product. The process management product provides the necessary input to the integration module, based on the input business objects and attributes that are defined on the logical management operation.
The Java™ action class identifies an operational management product that runs the logical management operation on the selected configuration item. When you install configuration items and operational management products, the component relationships are also installed.
An integration module record identifies which logical management operations are supported on an operational management product. When the integration modules, configuration items, and operational management products are registered, the process management product Java class performs a lookup. The Java class determines which integration modules that it invokes based on the configuration items that it uses.
The integration framework includes a service that provides the following utility methods to assist the class with integration module lookups.
Utility method | Function |
---|---| getOMPListForIM (String imName, String imVersion) | Retrieves a list of the operational management products that are associated with the integration module. | getIMListForLMO (String lmoName, String lmoNamespace) | Retrieves a list of the integration modules that implement the specified logical management operation. | getIMListForLMOWithOMP (String lmoName, String lmoNamespace) | Retrieves a list of the integration modules that implement the specified logical management operation on any operational management products. | getIMListForOMP (String ompGuid) | Retrieves the list of the integration modules that implement at least one logical management operation on the operational management product. |
Collection getIMListForOMPAndLMO (String ompGUID, String lmoName, String lmoNamespace) | Retrieves the list of integration modules that
implement the logical management operation on the specified operational
management product. Returns a collection of |
Collection getIMListForOMPAndLMO (String ompHostname, String ompProductname, String ompManufacturer, String lmoName, String lmoNamespace) | Retrieves the list of integration modules that
implement the logical management operation on the specified operational
management products. Returns a collection of |
psdi.iface.omp.OmpImLmoRelInfo getPreferredIM (String ompGUID, String lmoName, String lmoNamespace) | Retrieves the preferred integration module that implements the logical management operation on the specified operational management product. |
psdi.iface.omp.OmpImLmoRelInfo getPreferredIM (String ompHostname, String ompProductname, String ompManufacturer, String lmoName, String lmoNamespace) | Retrieves the preferred integration module that implements the logical management operation on the specified operational management product. |