Customization points during publish channel processing

Publish channels process outbound integration messages that do not require a response. The Java™ processing class that is associated with a publish channel includes several hooks where you can insert code to provide custom logic.

The illustration shows the customization points during outbound processing of integration messages by using publish channels.

Transaction flows during processing by using publish channels. Diagram is explained in the body text.
After object structure processing constructs the integration message, it is forwarded to the associated publish channel. You can add custom logic at the following points during publish channel processing:
  • External exit class
  • User exit class that runs before the external exit class
  • User exit class that runs after the external exit class
  • Event filter class
The message is then sent to the JMS queue for delivery to the target destination.

When you configure an external exit or user exit script for a publish channel, a predefined Java class is inserted on the channel that is used to run the script. The predefined classes are the class and the class. You cannot implement a script and a Java class at the same processing point. If you attempt to create a script on a processing point where a Java class is configured, you cannot save the script.