Code-based customization
The integration framework provides placeholders in transaction flows where you can insert your own code to provide logic that customizes transaction processing. You can insert Java™ classes or automation scripts at selected points in the processing of object structures, publish channels, enterprise services, and invocation channels. You can also use XSL maps to transform messages.
When you create or update a Java class file, you must rebuild and redeploy the application EAR file before integration components can use it. Tenants in a multitenancy environment cannot use custom Java classes, but you can use automation scripts to accomplish the same customization. You can write a script in one of the supported scripting languages in the Automation Scripts application, or you can import a script that you created externally, and you can activate it for immediate use. When you create or update an XSL map, you can either store it in the application EAR file or in a directory on your file system. When you create or update an XSL map, you must store it in the xsl subdirectory of the files directory that the multitenancy manager provides to you.
When the customization code is configured for use, the integration framework calls the code at the appropriate point during transaction processing.
You can download sample Java classes or XSL files from the IBM® Tivoli® Open Process Automation Library (OPAL).