Specifying the properties of wait nodes

You can specify the properties of wait nodes. Wait nodes specify that the process is halted until a specific event occurs.

About this task

You can specify the following properties for wait nodes:
Used to specify or modify the node name and the description
Wait List
Used to specify one or more system events. The first event to occur triggers the record to resume its progress through the process. Event names consist of three or four lowercase words, delimited by periods. For example, maximo.workorder.update or maximo.po.statuschange.appr.
  • The first word is always maximo.
  • The second word is the name of the business object (MBO). For example, po.
  • The third word is one of the following words:
    • statuschange. If the event is a change of status, the event name has a fourth part; either the name of a specific status, for example, appr, or * for any status change.
    • update
Used to specify the notifications that the system should generate as a record leaves the node. You can use a communication template to create one or more notifications. You can also specify the subject, the message, and the role recipients manually.


  1. From the List tab of the Workflow Designer application, select a process with properties to be modified.
  2. From the Canvas tab, right-click the wait node and select Properties.
  3. Optional: Type a description.
  4. In the Event field, type an event name.
  5. In the Communication Template field, specify a value.
  6. In the Send To field, specify a value.
  7. In the Subject field, type the subject of the notification email.
  8. In the Message field, type the message of the notification email.
  9. Click OK and click Save Process.