Specifying the properties of task nodes

A task node indicates when a user has two choices, such as approving or to rejecting a record. You use task nodes when your business process requires you to evaluate the record. You also use task nodes when you want to create a task assignment that routes the record to one or more individuals.

About this task

Use the Task Node Properties window to specify the following properties for task nodes:
Used to specify or modify the node name and the description.
Time Limit
Used to specify the time limit for the assignee to complete the task before it is escalated.
Used to specify which application the product uses to display the assigned record. Typically, the object is associated with a single application. In some cases, such as in Quick Reporting and Work Order Tracking, an object can be associated with more than one application. It might, for example, represent a clone or even a new custom application on that table.
Display One
Used to specify whether a single option is displayed when the user has security permissions to only one option.
  • If the check box is selected, the product displays the single option in the Complete Workflow Assignment window.
  • If the check box is cleared, the product performs the action.
WF Task Type
Used to add another task to the workflow process.
Used to specify one or more roles to receive the task assignment. Specify at least one assignment per task node. A task assignment can be designated to a role or to an assignee relationship.
Used to specify the notifications that the system generates as a record leaves the node. You can use a communication template to create one or more notifications. Or, you can specify the subject, message, and role recipients manually.
Perform Accept Action
Used to specify how the system routes the record when the assignment is made to a group.
  • When any assignment is accepted - Used to specify that the system needs only one positive action to route the record to the positive connection line.
  • When all assignments are accepted - Used to specify that all assignees must select the positive action in order for the system to route the record to the positive connection line. If a single assignee selects the negative option, the system routes the record to the negative connection line.


  1. From the List tab of the Workflow Designer application, select a process with properties to be modified.
  2. From the Canvas tab, right-click the task node Task node icon and select Properties.
  3. Optional: Type a description.
  4. In the Application field, specify a value.
  5. In the Time Limit field, specify the time limit for the assignee to complete the task before it is escalated.
  6. Select the Display One check box to specify what the system might do if the user has security permissions to only one specified option.
  7. In the Assignments section, click New Row, and specify values for each of the fields that display.
  8. In the Notifications section, click New Row, and specify values for each of the fields that display.
  9. In the Perform Accept Action field, select one of the following options to specify how the record is routed:
    1. When any assignment is accepted.
    2. When all assignments are accepted.
  10. Click OK, and click Save Process.