Process nodes

A node is a graphical element that represents a point in your business process. Nodes are added at specific business process junctures to denote the entry of a record into the business process.

You can drag nodes from the palette onto the canvas. You can add any number of nodes to a process. If a process exceeds 50 - 100 nodes, consider breaking the process into subprocesses to simplify management and maintenance.

As you drag each node onto the canvas, a name and a number are assigned to the node. The node name describes the type of node. The number indicates the order in which the node was added to the canvas. You can modify the name of a node when you configure the node properties.

Whenever possible, give nodes easy to understand labels. You can view node titles in the workflow map.

All nodes have properties, except for the start node and for the stop node. You configure nodes by modifying the properties to match your business requirements. You specify properties for a node in the Properties window for the node. Each node must be configured individually. You can configure nodes at any point while you build a process, but as a best practice, configure nodes as you add them to the canvas.

The Workflow Designer application includes the types of nodes that can represent various points in your business process. A node can be any of the following types:

Table 1. Types of nodes
Node Description
Start node
Figure shows a start node
Indicates the point when a record starts a workflow process. When you create a process, a single start node displays on the canvas. Each process can have only one start node. You cannot delete start nodes.
Condition node
Figure shows a condition node
Indicates an evaluation of the record, based on data in the record. Use a condition node to enable a true evaluation or a false evaluation of the record, and then direct the record based on that evaluation. When a condition node is generated, it evaluates the record based on the Structured Query Language (SQL) statement defined in the properties for the node. The record is then routed to either the positive connection line or to the negative connection line exiting the node. You can use the SQL Expression Builder tool, accessed from the Workflow Configuration > Escalations application, to create an SQL statement.
Interaction node
Figure shows an interaction node
Provides an option for a user interaction with a record. Use interaction nodes to guide a user through a structured interaction with a record. A process can have one or more interaction nodes. You do not have to include interaction nodes in a process. A manual input node precedes an interaction node. If an interaction node leads to an application not related to the object on the process record, place a stop node after the interaction node. The original process shuts down as the new record displays.
Manual input node
Figure shows an input node
Indicates a need for user input because there are multiple directions that a record can take in a process. Use a manual input node to have the assignee decide what happens next. When a manual input node is generated, a window displays. The manual input window contains a menu of options for routing the record. When the assignee selects an option, any actions or notifications associated with the option are triggered.
Subprocess node
Figure shows a subprocess node
Indicates that a separate workflow process is contained within another workflow process. Use a subprocess node to break down a complicated business process into smaller, self-contained units. For example, you could have a subprocess that handles records in different sites, or that handles different classes of work orders. When the record encounters a stop node within a subprocess, the stop node is returned to the main process. The stop node is returned at the same point where it left the process and on the same type of routing line on which it finished.
Task node
Figure shows a task node
Indicates when a user is to be given an Inbox assignment. The user has two choices. For example, the user can either approve a record or reject a record. Use task nodes when your business process requires that a user evaluate a record. Create a task assignment that routes the record to one or more individuals. Workflow comes to a stop at a task node until the assigned user has routed the record.
Wait node
Figure shows a wait node
Indicates that the progress of a record through a process pauses until a required condition is met. Use a wait node to create a reaction to a database event, such as a status change, or a record update. A process can have one or more wait nodes. You do not need to include wait nodes in a process. A wait node cannot precede a node that requires user interaction, such as an interaction node or a manual input node.
Stop node
Figure shows a stop node
Marks the end of a workflow process. That is, the point where a record leaves control of the process. When you create a process, a single stop node is placed on the canvas. Use the stop node tool in the palette to place additional stop nodes on the canvas.