Exporting workflow processes

You can export the workflow processes that you have created.

Before you begin

You must first create your workflow processes and test them.


  1. From the List tab of the External Systems application, select the system where you want to export a data file. EXTSYS1 is a predefined destination where you can export workflow data. The System tab opens with all fields populated. You can create as many external systems as you need.
  2. Click the Outbound Interfaces tab and select the interface that you want to export, MXWFInterface
  3. Click Data Export.
  4. In the Data Export window, choose one of the following options:
    1. To export all workflow processes, click OK. All workflow processes are exported in a single XML file.
    2. To restrict the output, and export only certain processes, add a Structured Query Language where clause in the Export Condition field. For example, to export only the first revision of the WOSTATUS process, type PROCESSNAME='WOSTATUS' AND PROCESSREV ='1'.
  5. Click OK. The workflow processes are exported to a single XML file.

What to do next

You can now integrate the workflow processes into your working environment.