Stopping instances of workflow processes

When you route a record into a workflow process, an active instance of that process is created to manage that individual record. You can view and stop workflow processes for records for any Workflow-enabled application.

Before you begin

The application associated with the workflow process record must be enabled for Workflow.

About this task

When you stop a workflow process, you are only stopping the single instance of the workflow process that controls a particular record. To deactivate a workflow process, use the Workflow Designer application. When you stop a process instance, the following tasks are performed:
  • The record is removed from the control of the workflow process.
  • A transaction is written to the workflow history of the record. Workflow history remains with a record permanently, even after the record has left the control of Workflow.
  • Specified notifications are sent to past assignees, current assignees, or both. You can use a communication template to create a notification, or type the subject, message, and role recipients manually.


  1. To stop a workflow process, complete one of the following steps:
    • In a Workflow-enabled application, display the record you want to remove from Workflow. From the Select Action menu, choose Stop Workflow.
    • In the Workflow Administration application, select the active process that you want to stop. Click Stop Process on the assignment line.
  2. Optional: Create an email notification. The system defaults to the WFSTOP communication template. You can use the WFSTOP communication template to create the notification. You can also manually specify the subject, message, and role recipients.
  3. Click OK. The system stops the workflow process. The system also sends any notifications.