Interface table polling cron task

The IFACETABLECONSUMER cron task is a predefined cron task that polls the inbound interface queue table for new records to process.

The interface table polling process checks that the external system and enterprise service names are valid and currently enabled. If they are not, the record is marked in error and remains in the interface table.

If you disable interface table polling, new records remain in the interface tables. The messages that were sent to the inbound JMS queue are processed.

You must set up a mechanism to retrieve outbound transactions from the interface tables. You can use a polling program, as the system does for inbound transactions, triggers, or any other mechanism.

The cron task has the following parameters that you can configure. All parameters are optional.All parameters are optional with the exception of the endpoint parameter that must be configured to point to the interface table URL that is assigned to you by the multitenancy manager.

Table 1. Interface table polling cron task parameters
Parameter Description


Java™ exit class that enables the manipulation of data before it is written to an inbound queue.


Endpoint that is associated with the interface table. The default value is the predefined endpoint value that points to the local database.

Endpoint that is associated with the interface table. The endpoint points to the tenant database URL that is assigned by the multitenancy manager and is a required value.


Enterprise service to be polled. The default (null value) is all enterprise services. If you specify a value for this parameter, you also must specify a value for the EXTSYSNAME parameter. The values limit the polling thread to a specific enterprise service instead of the default behavior, which polls for all enterprise services.


Ensure that the value is at the default of 0 (false). The functionality of this flag is superseded by the donotrun functionality. Use the donotrun parameter in the cron task framework to control which servers the cron task runs on.


External system to be polled.


Enterprise service queue table. The default value is MXIN_INTER_TRANS.