Signature option conditions
You can apply conditions to control the user interface behavior based on the data that is being viewed.
The integration framework provides a predefined condition class,, to hide launch entry menu items when the current object classification does not match the launch entry classification value. This condition applies to any object that has a classification attribute.
Launch entry menu items can also be hidden when the operational management product that is configured on the launch entry does not manage the configuration item. This condition applies to launch entries that you associate with a configuration item object or actual configuration item object.
You can configure a condition to use the predefined condition class. You also can configure a condition to implement a custom condition using the Conditional Expression Manager application.
The launch point is available from the application, regardless of the data that is being viewed, when you do not use a condition. The data you view is restricted to the signature option security settings for a user group. You also can configure your security settings to hide a launch point, based on set group access privileges.
If you use a Java™ condition class, you must change the condition EXPRESSION attribute to the name of the launch entry. The Java class can identify which launch entry is executed. The expression attribute value must be an exact match to the name of the launch entry and values are case-sensitive.