Security profiles

A security profile is the list of rights a user derives from the security groups to which the user belongs. The user rights define the ability of a user to access asset management system applications and to perform specific application functions. You can view a user security profile list in the Security Profile tab in the Users application.

Before you can view a user security profile list, you must first create a user in the Users application. You must then assign the user to a security group and allocate group rights in the Security Groups application. When you assign a user to more than one group, the user inherits the security rights from the assigned groups.

You can use the Security Groups application to define user rights according to the following asset management system security components:
  • Site
  • Application
  • Storeroom
  • Labor
  • GL Component
  • Limit and tolerance
  • Data restriction
By default, the asset management system includes the following user rights:
  • The ability to change and a password at login, even when a password expires
  • The ability to access the asset management system start center
If your implementation uses a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory server to authenticate an external directory, do not use the asset management system security settings to perform the following functions:
  • Self registration
  • Password and password hint changes