Resource planning in schedules
You can use the graphical view to help you schedule work based on resource requirements and their availability. You can prioritize and adjust your schedule by balancing the resource load.
In the graphical view, resources are displayed in the two lower panes: the Resource table and the Resource chart. You can resize the panes to customize your view.
Resource hours and availability
Craft and crew type resources that are required for the work are shown in the resource view. The resource hours that are listed in blue represent the number of craft hours that the work requires for a shift. The hours in yellow are the total craft hours that are available for the shift.
In the resource view, resource load and availability is displayed by craft. Alt-click on the yellow or blue bar to display resource information for that craft. It shows available hours, number of labor records working, and total number of hours assigned. When you make changes to the scheduled work above in the graphical view, the resource buckets are automatically updated as well. You can choose which day the resources display from by changing the value in the Start Week Day field on the schedule tab. By default, it starts on Sunday. You can also choose whether you want to see your resource load and availability displayed by shift, or in daily, weekly, or monthly segments in the Resource Load and Availability Display Mode field.
You can filter the graphical view to show the specific craft and crew type requirements and
availability required for specific work records. In the Activity table. Select the work record you
want to see the craft requirements for. Click the Filter resources based on the selected
work orders
button. The resources required for the work are shown in the Resource chart.
You can filter the graphical view to show the work that requires specific craft resources. In the
Resource table, select the craft or crew type record that you want to see the work records for.
Click the Filter work orders based on the selected resources
button. The work records that require the selected craft or crew type are shown in the
Activity table.
To clear the filters, click again.
Availability of other resources
Asset, locations, items, and tools that are required for work are available in the Other Resource Availability window. Right-click a work record in the activity chart and select Other Resources Availability to see the availability of resources that are required for the work.
- An orange bar shows the calendar for the site of the asset or location.
- A green bar shows the maintenance schedule for the asset or location. It is the best time to schedule work.
- A red bar shows the operational schedule for the asset or location, when it is unavailable for maintenance.
Item and tool availability are shown in the following way:
- A green bar indicates that the item or tool is available during the scheduled work time.
- An orange bar indicates one of the following circumstances:
- If the work record is in WAPPR status, indicates that the item or tool is partially available, and can be reserved.
- If the work record is not in WAPPR status, indicates that a soft reservation was made for this tool or item.
- A red bar indicates that the item or tool is unavailable during the scheduled work time.
Alternate availability
You can define alternate availability for resources in your schedules in the Scheduling Alternate Resources application.