Resource availability for assignments

You use the Assignment view in the Graphical Assignment and Graphical Assignment - Repair Facility applications to assign work to available resources.

Labor and crew availability

In the Graphical Assignment application, labor and crew resources that meet your query criteria are shown on the Assignment View tab. The tab shows their availability, as well as their craft and skill level.

Labor and crew availability are shown as follows:

  • A white section on the calendar represents the working shift of the labor or crew resource. It also indicates any planned overtime.
  • A light gray section on the calendar indicates that the labor or crew is not working during the shift.
  • A dark gray section on the calendar indicates that the resource is assigned to other work that is not included in this work list.
  • A light blue section on the calendar indicates that the labor or crew is unavailable for work during their regular shift due to modified availability, like sick or vacation time.

Repair facility availability

In the Graphical Assignment - Repair Facility application, facilities that meet your query criteria are shown on the Assignment View tab.

Repair facility availability is shown as follows:

  • A white section on the calendar indicates available time.
  • A light gray section on the calendar indicates unavailable time.
  • A dark gray section on the calendar indicates that the facility is being used for other work that is not included in this work list.

Work assignments

Work assignments display in the Assignment view as follows:
  • An orange bar indicates that the work requirement that is unassigned.
  • A green bar indicates that the work is assigned to a labor or crew resource.
  • A red bar indicates the labor or crew resource that you assigned the work to does not meet the craft and skill requirements of the work.