Preexisting cron tasks

There are cron tasks that are supplied by the product and are set up to run scheduled jobs on the system server. Cron tasks are behind-the-scene jobs that run automatically and on a fixed schedule.

The following table describes the cron tasks that are supplied by the product. All these cron tasks are set to full access level, except for ESCALATIONS and LSNRCRON (READONLY).
Table 1. Cron tasks that are supplied by the product
Cron task Description

The reorder cron task determines the rules or parameters for scheduled reordering, direct issue, and inventory items.


The preventive maintenance work order generation cron task runs and generates scheduled work orders for planned maintenance.


This cron task generates key performance indicators.


The escalation cron task processes escalations to ensure that critical tasks are completed on time.


The e-mail listener cron task runs continuously on the application server, and processes inbound e-mail messages through a staging table.


This cron task is used by the integration framework to poll the queue.


This cron task is used by the integration framework to poll the interface tables.


This cron task determines whether the software titles in the Deployed Asset application are present.


This cron task runs reconciliation tasks that consist of link and comparison rules. These rules are used to determine how assets are performing relative to the discovered data in the Deployed Asset application.

Outputs from this task include a RECONLINK table. This table links assets to their counterpart assets and a reconciliation results table that lists the differences between compared assets and deployed assets.


This cron task generates work orders when meter readings or measurements reach a condition that is defined in the Condition Monitoring application.


This cron task processes inbound flat files.


This cron task processes inbound XML files.


This cron task periodically updates the count for the number of bulletin board messages.