Percent complete display and calculations

In the Graphical Scheduling application, you can display percent complete for work orders and tasks, and then calculate the percent complete for the parent work records and the schedule, helping your planner to keep projects on track.

The percent complete for work can be determined in three ways.

Physical percent complete

The physical percent complete is manually entered, and is an estimation by the user.

Actual percent complete

The actual percent complete is calculated by dividing actual hours that were entered on the work record by planned hours (total actual hours / total planned hours).
  • The value can exceed 100%.
  • The value is time-based by labor transactions (duration of work completed / total duration)
  • The value is updated when labor hours are reported in work record applications.

Task percent complete

The task percent complete can be calculated either on an average of completed tasks or on work time completed.
  • For the average, it is calculated by dividing the number of the completed work segments by the total number of segments in the work (tasks completed / total # of tasks).
  • For time-based calculations, it divides the number of work hours completed / number of total work hours required for the segment.

Percent calculation system property

The skd.percentcomplete.rollup system property determines how the calculation methods are rolled into the Graphical Scheduling application. By default, the property is set to 0, making the calculations time-based (based on reported hours). You can change the value to 1 to make the calculations based on averages.

For example, a schedule with task percent complete calculation has three tasks complete out of six total tasks. However, the span of the schedule is 19 hours, and the three task complete span 1 hour each. A value of 0 (time-based) in the skd.percentcomplete.rollup system property makes the Task Percent Complete 15% (3 hours / 19 hours). A value of 1 (average-based) in the skd.percentcomplete.rollup system property makes the Task Percent Complete 50% (3 tasks / 6 tasks).