Exporting assignment calendars
In the Graphical Assignment and Graphical Work Week applications, you can export the assignment calendars for resources to keep a separate record of them. You can download the resource calendars or send them in an email.
Before you begin
To send an assignment calendar in an email, you need to specify an email address on the person or crew record of the resource.
About this task
The calendar is exported into an .ICS file. You can export assignments for a single resource or a group of resources, and send them to your team to import into their external calendar applications.
- In the Graphical Assignment or Graphical Work Week application, open the work list that contains the assignments that you want to export.
- In the Resource chart, right-click on the labor or crew record whose calendar you want to export.
- Select Export to Calendar.
- In the Export to Calendar window, in the Start Date field, enter the date that you want the exported calendar to start on.
- In the Number of Days field, specify the length of the exported calendar, in days.
- In the Method field, choose how you want to export the calendar, either by file download or email.
- Click OK. The calendar information is exported by using the delivery method that you selected.