Creating interactions

The Create Interactions wizard application guides you through all the steps required to create and configure an interaction. After you complete the wizard process and test the interaction, users can start working with it immediately with no requirement for additional configuration or deployment.

Before you begin

Before you run the Create Interactions application, ensure that you have all the information required for the configuration. During the process, you must specify the web service, define the structure of messages, and map the data between the application and the web service.

A logging tool is provided to log configuration activity and maintain a log file of the items that are configured. To generate a detailed log of the configuration, in the Logging application, set the interaction logger to DEBUG mode.


  1. To configure the web service for the interaction, in step 1 of the process:
    1. Specify the URL for the WSDL file for the web service.
    2. When the screen refreshes with information from the WSDL file, specify one port for the interaction.
    3. Specify one operation for the interaction and check Process Response if you want the web service to return data to the application during the interaction.
  2. Review the contents of the request to the web service in step 2, and modify the request object structure by removing any unnecessary elements.
  3. Optional: Review the contents of the response from the web service in step 3, and modify the response object structure by removing any unnecessary elements.
    This step is included only if you checked the Process Response option in step 1.
  4. To configure the application for the interactions, in step 4 of the process:
    1. Specify the application that uses the interaction.
    2. Configure the application binding for the interaction, including the main object, the signature option, the interaction mode, and the user interface components.
    3. Specify the security groups that are authorized to initiate the interaction.
  5. Configure the Request tab of the Interactions window in step 5, including specifying the fields that users can see and whether they can edit them.
  6. Optional: Configure the Response tab of the Interactions window in step 6, including specifying the fields that users can see and whether they can edit them.
    This step is included only if you checked the Process Response option in step 1.
  7. You can map information from the application to the web service in step 7. Mapped information is entered automatically into the request when users start the interaction.
  8. Optional: You can map information from the web service to the application in step 8. If you check the Commit Response option, the mapped information is saved automatically to the database.
  9. Review the configurations in the final step of the process.

What to do next

To monitor the time it takes to execute the interaction, in the Logging application, set the integration logger to either INFO mode or DEBUG mode.

You can view the interaction and modify mapping information in the Interactions application. If you intend to modify an interaction, select the Deactivate Interaction action before you make any changes and reactivate it after you complete the modification.