Asset-based relationships
A relationship describes the dependency or connectivity between assets. You can define relationships, such as installed on or terminates, and then apply them to relevant assets.
In the Relationships application, you create the formal definitions and accompanying rules for relationships.
In the Assets application, you associate assets with each other by using the relationships.
When creating a relationship between assets, you can define rules to validate that certain conditions are met. A relationship identifies a dependency or connectivity between two assets and the relationship rules validate the following criteria:
- Asset classifications, to ensure that only valid types of assets are related.
- Asset attributes, to ensure that certain values or conditions are met within a classification.
To accommodate complex validations, within a relationship definition multiple rules can be created, related, and grouped.
A relationship can contain none, one, or many validation rules. Each relationship rule consists of the following criteria:
- The classification requirement of the source asset.
- An attribute, a value, and a condition (equal to, less than, and so on) within the source asset classification.
- The classification requirement of the target asset.
- An attribute, a value, and a condition (equal to, less than, and so on) within the target asset classification.
Two or more relationship rules can be grouped together. Within a group, the validation requirement for the combination of rules is determined by the Within Group setting. This value determines whether all conditions must be met, or any one of them.
Similarly, there can be multiple groups of rules. Across all groups, at least one rule group validation condition must be met.
Linear asset relationships
Asset relationships can be applied to point or linear assets. Linear assets can be defined as segments or layers, where you define an asset's location and how it relates to another.
Linear Asset Manager provides additional features for managing linear assets and is enabled under a separate license key. You must install a Linear Asset Manager license to use linear asset features.
When you are working with a linear asset in the Assets application, under the Relationships tab, you can enter additional linear data for an asset relationship, identifying the start and end measures for source and target assets.
Alternatively, you can select from a list of reference points for the source and target measures. Reference points are enabled by the Use as Reference check box and automatically populate the measures on subsequent reference point selections.